L’Eggo With Eggo

Mornings are garbage. Especially for parents with toddlers who refuse to wear anything other than a pirate costume.

And although Eggos aren’t….magic, they are a breakfast that make both parents and kids feel like they’ve won. That’s why we’re here to help parents get their wins where they can and L’Eggo my with Eggo.

And we’re so serious about it, we changed our 50-year-old tagline to prove it.

ACD/AD: Caitlin Fitzgibbons

SVP CD: Meg Farquhar


We created the L’Eggometer, a digital tool that used data from Google and Twitter to track parent stress levels. When the L’Eggometer was really high, parents got free Eggo waffles to help bring it back down. One million free waffles, if you wana be specific.